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Deák Erika Galéria
Erika Deák founded her gallery in 1998, which from the very beginning was committed to representing the Hungarian progressive fine arts. Headquartered in Budapest, the gallery works with emerging and mid-generation artists who are prominent figures in the domestic and international fine arts scene. In addition to contemporary photography, painting and sculpture, video art is complemented by curatorial concepts that have been invited in addition to solo exhibitions.
Visual Collection

PINTÉR Gábor: Science and technology, 2018, olaj, vászon, 173,5x154 cm

NEMES Márton: Temporary Images 3, 2017, vegyes technika, 140x106x10 cm

Svätopluk MIKYTA: Blur I-IV, 2014, objekt kollázs, 46x35,5x6 cm / darab

CSATÓ József: Tarrot, 2016, olaj, vászon, 134x90 cm

GÁLDI VINKÓ Andrea: Jeu Suis Belle I., 2016, pigment inkjet print ed. 1/5, 75X100 cm

Alexander TINEI: Warhol, 2017, olaj, vászon, 30x40 cm

SZŰCS Attila: Melancholic portrait in red and green, 2017-18, olaj, vászon, 70x50 cm

BULLÁS József: 160111, 2016, olaj, vászon, 70x80 cm

FAJÓ János: Két fekete két fehér, 1992, olaj, fa, 113x124 cm
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